Microbb 35 - Microfiber Hand Duster - GREEN
Microbb 35 - Microfiber Hand Duster - GREEN
Microfiber is a new age cleaning technology of a very thin fiber composed of two polymers - polyester & polyamide composition being 80% PES & 20% PA being is 10 times finer than a human hair. Polyester has an electrostatic effect that captures & retains dust whereas polyamide has an absorption capacity that when combined with water or cleaning solution, facilitates and allows the removal of dirt, grease, and bacteria on any surface without leaving water marks or stains
Wool Is the thickest textile fiber existing In nature size is 18-24 microns; Cotton has normally a size of 13.5 micron; Silk is the thinnest natural fiber size of 12 microns; Human hair has a size of 300 micron; Microfiber is 100 times finer than a human hair size 3-5 Micron & sometimes even less

The split fibers give the microfiber fabric exceptional water retention and dirt grabbing abilities. Microfiber can absorb up to 7 times its weight in water, the wedge-shaped cross-sections require no cleaning fluids and will trap and remove dust, and particles thoroughly from surfaces with no streaks or marks left, like a magnet attraction. It can also remove stubborn dirt and grime effectively, which will greatly help to eliminate or reduce allergens that may occur, therefore, it’s much more efficient compared with a cotton towel or other none chemical fluids used materials available in doing the cleaning job
Available in 35 cm x 35 cm | 40 cm x 40 cm
Colors available